Owe More Than Home Is Worth?

Thousands of Homeowners are Upside Down

Upside Down – (up-side down) (adverb) – In or into complete disorder; Topsy-Turvy :

The Mortgage Crisis left Thousands of Americans wondering what Happened to their Equity. Many homes throughout America have seen as much as 60% Decrease in Value. In Sacramento alone we have seen a Decrease in Value of 58% on Average. That Statistic is Real as can be. Scary as it may be you are Not Alone. Your Friends, Family and Neighbors are experiencing the same thing.

This Market that we live in will Rebound Eventually but not anytime Soon. So Homeowners Beware if you Plan to Wait out the Storm. Values won’t be coming back for at Least 5 Years and that is conservative at Best.

So What Does that Mean to You?

It means that you have to be Very Careful when you are Paying on a Home that you Owe More than what it is WORTH. In other words if your “UPSIDE DOWN”please be very cautious. We’ve all heard the Term, “Throwing Good Money After Bad”, in many cases this Holds True. To survive the next several years Financially Homeowners must prepare to Make Choices or Business Decisions about their Homes.

Follow The Steps Below


Step 1: The First Step is knowing where you Stand in regards to the Value of your Home…. Are You Upside Down. Click the link on the upper right hand side of this web page to get your free value.  After getting this come back and Go to Step 2: Know Your Options.

Step 1: Are You Upside Down?

Step 2: Know Your Options

Step 3: Take Care Of Your Family

Step 4: Action Is Key!